How to enter to the technology world? What is the start to the technology world? Who has the key of the technology world?

Who has the key to the technology world?

In this question i don't know the best answer. It's on to you. There is no one who has the key that can help you. Many one start in many ways. 

These steps are:

1. Follow your heart: You have to find what you are passionate about

Example:   I am here because of Jarvis (the Iron Man movie) this assistant attract me very much. My dream was to build a brain like that. Which can talk to me like a man.  Do my staff.

So, You have to keep trying new staff. Ask yourself some questions like: What type of people you want to be? What will you do all day long happily? What makes you, Die with great smile?

2. Admit into a tech Institute: Serious Enough.

if you are in school or intermediate level prepare yourself for a technology Institute. There is many interesting subject and department.Search which one match your passion.These Subjects Are:

  • Astronomy
  • Electronics
  • Computer
  • Electrical
  • Software
  • Network
  • Robotics        

Many others. Which you like most.

3. Short course: You can also take short course, there are many institute have short course like few month. Many Beautiful Website are available now for online course like. Edx (recommended from me, because it's free. learning should be), Udemy, Khan Academy, YouTube etc. find your course and take it. Many tutorial are also available in Researcher guy. I hope it will help.

4. Join a club:  Join any tech in your institute. like : Robotics Club. You will find there many people like you. Share your knowledge to them they will share them. And make something important stuff.

4. Other staff:

  • Learn programming: You will need programming for many Time. You should Start early. Like : C++, Python, Java etc.
  • Electronics: It will help you to make things in real life. Try to make some DIY project with help of YouTube.
  • Hacking and Security: Everyone need security. It doesn't mean that you should be a hacker. But have to secure your life. Start learn this .

Everything i write, you don't need to follow every steps. Try something and start.

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